Ballymun Job Centre, Ireland
Ballymun Job Centre Co-op Society Limited (BJC) is a community-based non-profit charity, which provides employment services to local job seeker. The BJC was established in 1987 by the local community. It is governed by a Board of Management. The overall objective of the BJC is to provide individuals with greater labour market choice and the opportunity to improve their employability, increase their earnings and reduce their vulnerability to poverty. The BJC works to reduce the level of poverty by providing unemployed individuals with access to career guidance, education, and training which leads to job placement and thus to quality employment and increased income and job security. The BJC has 30 staff with a wide range of skills. The staff includes qualified career guidance practitioners, occupational psychologists, and reception, administration, and employer links workers.
The BJC believes in remaining innovative and to test new ideas to address identified issues arising from the day-to-day experience of clients. Since the mid-90s the BJC has accessed and managed various European Union and private trusts funded programmes. These provide the BJC with the resources necessary to be innovative and to test new ideas and ways of working. Over the years the BJC has made determined efforts to ensure the lessons and work of the EU Projects improved the delivery of services and the way it works with clients and many of the innovative actions and activities that the BJC has developed have impacted positively not only on individuals living in Ballymun but also individuals in other disadvantaged communities..
The BJC holds an external approved quality mark called Q Mark, is registered with the Charity Regulator and has a strong Governance structure. Since opening, over 20,000 individuals have registered with the BJC and our services have supported over 6,000 individuals to access jobs over 10,000 jobs. Over 5,700 individuals have participated in training run by the BJC. The BJC has developed relationships with over 500 employers in the greater Dublin area.
Working in collaboration with others it has developed and managed many different programmes and activities including mainstream labour market programmes, innovative career guidance programmes and client focused training most specifically for individuals living in the local area. Over the years the BJC has built relationships and worked closely with a wide range of public, private, European and community organisations.
The BJC operates within a local context providing education, training and employment supports to local people who are disadvantaged within the labour market. The BJC, using a client centred approach, has a strong history of developing innovative initiatives that aim to tackle unemployment by addressing the barriers and needs presented by the clients.
Many clients have multiple barriers to employment including low formal education, low basic skills, poor work histories/ long term unemployment, low self-esteem/ coping abilities, dependency on welfare, involvement in antisocial behaviour, addictions, criminal histories, early school leaving, disabilities, and mental health difficulties for example. The BJC therefore provides a wide range of services and activities to help overcome these barriers and support people towards the labour market. One important element in achieving these goals is the Career Guidance service.
The BJC emphasises Career Guidance as a core part of the BJC support service providing clients with the opportunity to identify their own innate abilities. As individuals become aware of their own abilities, labour market possibilities open up. The aim of the guidance service is to encourage and assist individuals to make positive changes in their lives and to enable them to access education, training and employment. The approach used by the BJC is open and client centred. The guidance staff encourage individuals in a safe, supportive and non-judgemental manner. The goal of individual career guidance is to discover and develop educational, vocational, and employment potential, to equip individuals to have a clearer understanding of themselves and potential for future career development and to direct individuals towards training and employment opportunities in the environment that best fulfil their needs and aspirations.