
  • Heves County Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hungary
  • Aspire-Igen Group Limited, United Kingdom      
  • Ballymun Job Centre, Ireland
  • Berufsschule für Baugewerbe, Austria
  • Gymnázium Kráľovský Chlmec, Slovakia

Heves County Chamber of Commerce
and Industry, Hungary

IThe Heves County Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HKIK) was established on 1 January 1995 after the adoption of the Chamber Act. Its main task is to promote the development and organisation of the economy, the security of business transactions, the fairness of market behaviour and the general, common interests of economic operators. In terms of its form, the Chamber is a public institution and its activities are based on the principle of self-government. The Chamber provides various economic services to companies free of charge. HKIK operates an independent Project Office with many years of experience in tendering, including the successful completion of several LLP LdV and Erasmus+ tenders. Since 2004 we have been successfully participating in tenders for which we have developed an appropriate strategy. One of our applications in 2010 was selected by the Tempus Public Foundation for its interview volume “International Mobility and Labour Market” in Issue 31 of the HOPPÁ Dissemination brochures, due to its success and effectiveness. As a result, our 2011 application won the International Cooperation Culture Quality Award. In 2017, we successfully participated in a tendering process conducted as part of the ERASMUS+ strategic partnership, in which practical trainers repeatedly addressed the basic ideas of quality assurance. We participated in the project as a partner organisation.
The Chamber's vocational training tasks are being expanded from year to year and now range from vocational guidance and vocational training to dual higher education. Tasks of the Chamber: organising vocational training, checking and registering future apprenticeship contracts, delegating examinations, organising the competition “Excellent Student of the Trade”, accrediting and controlling apprentice positions, organising and coordinating the County's round table on labour market coordination and the sectoral working groups, as well as training instructor courses and craftsmen training

Aspire-Igen Group Limited,
United Kingdom      

The Aspire-igen group is the largest careers and training organisation in the Yorkshire region (an area with a population of over 5 million). The group is a not-for-profit social enterprise with 22 years’ experience of supporting young people and adults into employment. Levels of social deprivation in Yorkshire are among the worst in the UK, with widespread pockets of exclusion and unemployment.
The group supports social inclusion and regeneration by providing a range of guidance and training services. This includes delivering vocational training programmes for NEET young
people to prepare them for entry into the labour market and offer careers advice in 28 schools in the region. We are a recognised centre of excellence for professional development and provide training for careers and guidance professionals.
Aspire-igen employs over 150 permanent staff across the region. These staff members help the organisation engage with over 3,000 NEET young people through our vocational
training courses, deliver around 36,500 guidance sessions to adults and work with over 10,000 young people via other skills and guidance events (school careers fairs etc.).
Through its Aspire-international department’s involvement in Euroguidance, Aspire-igen has been the European resource centre for the UK guidance community since 1992. We are a source of information on education and guidance in other European countries, and work closely with other services in the UK, such as Europass, Eurodesk and EURES, to support individuals looking to make the most of work or study opportunities abroad. We support British advisors in their work with new arrivals to the country, promoting long term integration and social inclusion of migrants. We also organise and host study visits and job shadowing for colleagues across Europe to share best practices, particularly within the field of digital advancements and the value new technology can add to careers guidance and VET.
The Aspire-igen group places a great deal of importance on monitoring the quality standards of all training and guidance programmes delivered both internally and externally. We were
rated as Good in our last Ofsted (the National Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills) inspection and are accredited by both the Matrix quality standard and Investors in People.

Berufsschule für Baugewerbe

Vocational school – dual system –
14 professions / individual apprenticeships –  800 students / apprentices from 200 training companys – more than 40 different state citizens – more than 35 different common mother tongues
Additional offers from the vocational school for construction
Digital education
Contemporary educational and work processes with the use of digital technologies are given high priority in the classroom at BS BAU. In addition to using digital media in all items ...
• Computer science is offered as an optional subject in some professional groups;
• our school offers certifications in AutoCAD and Archicad;
• classes take part in internet competitions;
• Microsoft licensing is offered;
Lectures and school events / school-related events
The lessons at BS BAU are supplemented by lectures by experts in the areas of the armed forces, police, trade union, AUVA, first aid and others. There are also project lessons on
current topics. Excursions and competitions make school life varied.
Remedial classes
If there is a need for support, additional lessons are offered to the students, especially in the subjects of mathematics and German.
Vocational baccalaureate (It´s called Abitur or Matura)
Matura (Abitur) with apprenticeship is an externalist exam, which is equivalent to the Matura at a higher school. It is carried out by the "Berufsmatura-Wien".
Master craftsman courses
As part of our competence center, master craftsmen (construction polishers) have been trained in evening courses for more than 35 years. For the professional groups of floor layers, tilers, stove fitters, insulation technicians, drywall builders and plasterers become premises for the practical part of the master’s examination.
Security Olympics / Professional Competition
Every year, third-year pupils in the main construction industry take part in the safety Olympics, which is financed by the Austrian Workers' Compensation Board (AUVA). The
professional competition is organized by Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer), the technical committee for the construction industry and the trade union construction-wood carried out and financed. The top three students in each class / course receive attractive prizes.

Gymnázium Kráľovský Chlmec, Slovakia

Gymnázium – Gimnázium, Horešská 18, Kráľovský Chlmec is located in the south-eastern part of Slovakia enjoying the benefits of a borderline region, neighbouring Hungary in the south and Ukraine in the east. We provide education for approximately 400 pupils, aged 11 – 19, i.e. both lower and higher secondary education.Our grammar school is an atypical one within the context of Slovak grammar schools; we offer our learners an opportunity of vocational study via our unique professional training scheme. It means, that beside our university oriented curriculum which prepares the pupils for university study, our
learners can choose from 4 blocks of vocational subjects as soon as
they enter the level of higher
secondary education (aged 15 – 16). The students can opt for
1. the block of Economics
2. the ICT block
3. the Pharmacy block
4. the Management block .
Our students choose one of the blocks in each year of higher secondary study. It is possible to opt for a different block every year so that the students will have tried one subject from each block by the end of their schooling. Nevertheless, many of them choose one block in which they remain for all four years. We are proud of the hands-on experience we can equip our learners with during these classes of practical training. This is exactly our input we would like to share with the other participants of the project. The idea of learning for life, gaining practical skills as opposed to academic knowledge, promoting entrepreneurship, wit and creativity have always been the credo of our institution. The official title of our curriculum is Mind & Heart for our Region. We are aware of the fact, that the location of our school is not the most favourable. The unemployment rate is quite high, the family structures are being weakened by the need of our pupils´ parents for working abroad to be able to maintain a certain standard of living. Nevertheless, it is a beautiful region with potential – that is what we try to teach to our students.

Ballymun Job Centre, Ireland

Ballymun Job Centre Co-op Society Limited (BJC) is a community-based non-profit charity, which provides employment services to local job seeker. The BJC was established in 1987 by the local community. It is governed by a Board of Management. The overall objective of the BJC is to provide individuals with greater labour market choice and the opportunity to improve their employability, increase their earnings and reduce their vulnerability to poverty. The BJC works to reduce the level of poverty by providing unemployed individuals with access to career guidance, education, and training which leads to job placement and thus to quality employment and increased income and job security. The BJC has 30 staff with a wide range of skills. The staff includes qualified career guidance practitioners, occupational psychologists, and reception, administration, and employer links workers.
The BJC believes in remaining innovative and to test new ideas to address identified issues arising from the day-to-day experience of clients. Since the mid-90s the BJC has accessed and managed various European Union and private trusts funded programmes. These provide the BJC with the resources necessary to be innovative and to test new ideas and ways of working. Over the years the BJC has made determined efforts to ensure the lessons and work of the EU Projects improved the delivery of services and the way it works with clients and many of the innovative actions and activities that the BJC has developed have impacted positively not only on individuals living in Ballymun but also individuals in other disadvantaged communities..
The BJC holds an external approved quality mark called Q Mark, is registered with the Charity Regulator and has a strong Governance structure. Since opening, over 20,000 individuals have registered with the BJC and our services have supported over 6,000 individuals to access jobs over 10,000 jobs. Over 5,700 individuals have participated in training run by the BJC. The BJC has developed relationships with over 500 employers in the greater Dublin area.
Working in collaboration with others it has developed and managed many different programmes and activities including mainstream labour market programmes, innovative career guidance programmes and client focused training most specifically for individuals living in the local area. Over the years the BJC has built relationships and worked closely with a wide range of public, private, European and community organisations.
The BJC operates within a local context providing education, training and employment supports to local people who are disadvantaged within the labour market. The BJC, using a client centred approach, has a strong history of developing innovative initiatives that aim to tackle unemployment by addressing the barriers and needs presented by the clients.
Many clients have multiple barriers to employment including low formal education, low basic skills, poor work histories/ long term unemployment, low self-esteem/ coping abilities, dependency on welfare, involvement in antisocial behaviour, addictions, criminal histories, early school leaving, disabilities, and mental health difficulties for example. The BJC therefore provides a wide range of services and activities to help overcome these barriers and support people towards the labour market. One important element in achieving these goals is the Career Guidance service.
The BJC emphasises Career Guidance as a core part of the BJC support service providing clients with the opportunity to identify their own innate abilities. As individuals become aware of their own abilities, labour market possibilities open up. The aim of the guidance service is to encourage and assist individuals to make positive changes in their lives and to enable them to access education, training and employment. The approach used by the BJC is open and client centred. The guidance staff encourage individuals in a safe, supportive and non-judgemental manner. The goal of individual career guidance is to discover and develop educational, vocational, and employment potential, to equip individuals to have a clearer understanding of themselves and potential for future career development and to direct individuals towards training and employment opportunities in the environment that best fulfil their needs and aspirations.